Interesting, I opened a few and got bored and will n0ow check their accounts. Clever idea.
Interesting, I opened a few and got bored and will n0ow check their accounts. Clever idea.
dont like much
bit too hard. On easy. Meh
nice humour to it though.
I would buy this.
If this came ut on Wiiware or something, I'd nab it straight away. It'd be perfect on say DS.
"inside" circle?
Its to the point but how do you place it "inside" the circle
(Flash CS4)
Good job!
If I could play this on Wii we would have... F ZERO WII! hurray! Work on that Captain.
Another Hit!
As before, brillinat. It's a work of modern art. Great new features. The level editor works very well.
LMAO on the memes level.
Also, a lot of those levels algged. at least three.
it's good, but in the moss gate i couldn't go further cos i got stuck on the top left wall. couldnt go left right or up
plus theres 0 challenge
havnt playd others
great phsics, bad level 8. i cba. but then so is every other game on newgrounds, youre a good programmer and thats what counts, i just not very good puzzler. level 8 os my maximum.
Interested in sprite and drawn Flash animation. Here since like 2006 or something. Also have a Youtube and a Twitter and a blah blah blah, search me up.
Age 28, Male
Joined on 11/29/08